4 Striking Health Benefits of Greens Powders for Active Bodybuilders

4 Striking Health Benefits of Greens Powders for Active Bodybuilders

Feb 20, 2024My Store Admin

Incorporating a quality greens supplement to your active bodybuilding regime is a smart decision. Greens are nutritional powerhouses that are beneficial to your fitness and bodybuilding training efforts. Greens powders add essential vitamins, micro-nutrients, and antioxidants to your diet that you may otherwise lack.

Greens offer health benefits for everyone who takes them, but especially for active bodybuilders. In this article, we’re sharing seven reasons why bodybuilding athletes should choose to consume plenty of greens every day.

Greens are a Source of Vitamins

Greens powders are an excellent source of power-boosting nutrients, including the vitamins and minerals essential for optimizing workout performance. Vitamins are especially beneficial for:

  • Building Muscle
  • Post-Workout Recovery
  • Healing Tissue

Common Vitamins Found in Greens Powder:

Vitamin A supports protein synthesis. Therefore, it’s important for building strong muscles. Greens powders commonly are high in Vitamin A content.

Vitamin E, an antioxidant naturally occurring in nuts, avocado, and spinach, helps heal bodily tissue after a high-intensity workout. Greens powders are a reliable source of Vitamin E.

Vitamin C is great as part of a post-workout snack and is in powdered greens products. Vitamin C helps heal tissue and also is keen on fighting off colds and flu viruses in the body. 

Greens Powders Contain Powerful Antioxidants

Antioxidants, the molecules that sweep away harmful, unstable molecules known as free radicals, are vital for improving and maintaining good health. Antioxidants are known to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help shorten recovery times for active bodybuilders.

Greens supplements have an abundance of antioxidants that can be easily consumed in capsule form, as a shake, or as part of a protein-shake meal replacement. The base of quality Greens powders typically includes one or more leafy greens. All of these contain healthy amounts of antioxidants.

Antioxidant-High Leafy Greens

Leafy greens that are high in antioxidants, help reduce workout recovery times, and are used as a base for most greens powders are:

  • Kale
  • Alfalfa Grass
  • Wheatgrass
  • Alfalfa
  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella

Greens Supplements Have Immune Boosting Properties

Any fruit, vegetable, or other healthy produce sources contribute to better immune system function. Greens supplements provide an added advantage because one serving of greens powder contains 8 – 12 servings of fruits and vegetables.

Within the greens one-stop source for a day’s worth of fruit and veggies is a potent amount of immune fortifying nutrients. These include Vitamin D, Vitamin C, antioxidants, and other key components great for immune health. Greens supplements are an easy way to fight off illnesses that can prevent bodybuilders from achieving set goals.

Lower Inflammation with a Greens Supplement

Inflammation is a leading reason behind many chronic health conditions including osteoarthritis, cases of heart disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). For bodybuilders, inflammation is actually a good thing as it’s central to the muscle building process. 

However, too much inflammation is not good and if left unchecked, inflammation can hinder training efforts. The antioxidants and vitamins found within greens powders help to keep inflammation levels balanced within active and agile athletes.

Fuel Victoria Carries Quality Greens Powders

Not all supplements are made equal and not every product is right for your physique and training goals. Understanding which products are right for your body and fitness program is important for selecting the perfect greens supplement to suit your needs.

At Fuel Victoria, our knowledgeable staff can help answer your questions when shopping for Greens powder or any nutritional supplement. We have three locations throughout the Greater Victoria Area to serve you, as well as an online shop. For all your supplement needs and education, contact the Fuel Victoria team. 

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